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      1. #1
        Tham gia ngày
        Dec 2010
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        Default Bài sưu tầm Anh ngữ : Dự đoán toàn cầu năm mới 2011

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        In this paper we will analyze the global outlook of year 2011 based on the Beginning of Spring's 立春 BaZi or Four Pillar of Destiny, Annual Flying Stars Chart and Period 8 of Nine Palace Flying Stars Chart.

        Normally, we use information such as year, month, day and hour of birth of a person (so called BaZi) to analyze his or her destiny. Same as here, we use the BaZi of the Beginning of Spring as the base to predict the Global Outlook in the Metal Rabbit Year of 2011.

        The Day Master is Geng (Yang Metal) but appear in Yin (Yang Wood) month that weaken its power. Besides, with the Year and Month earthly branches of wood that meet the Hour earthly branches of fire to form big fire. Although the Month heaven stem is also Geng Metal that could help a bit, but still weak and lose in the fire.

        From the Bazi, apparently indirect wealth is domineering this year. Indirect wealth are those investment in stock and equity that involve speculation and big flowing of cash. Thus, it is a year that making fast money or short term money.

        In addition to the appearance of Eating God 食神 that is symbolizing intelligent, wisdom and development of arts, the earthly branches of Seven Killing representing sprint, innovative and extensive, this has denoted that there will be some new idea of business in the area of recreation, arts and business happening this year. From the heaven stem and earthly branches of the four pillar, they are obviously having clashes and conflicts each others. This is not a good sign in this Metal Rabbit year as there is vulnerable to threats in term of public security, cases such as robbery, injury, crimes and man-made disasters might happen.

        Based on the Nine Palace Flying Star Charts, the year of 2011 is entering the eight year of Period 8. Meanwhile the Annual Flying Star is having Star 7 Red in the center palace, Grand Duke and Five Yellow are located at the East, while Three Killings and Year Breaker are at the West. As Star 7 Red is a fighting star thus must be aware of robbery, fraud, gossip and disputes. In the worse case, assaults and wars might be occurred between countries and at end need to be settled with violence and weapons. Although rabbit is a very tame animal and without the capability to attack, it is a smart and fast responsive. Therefore, one must always be smart, proactive and fast forward so that can compete with other for success in this year.

        The Auspicious Green Star 4 (Romance and Literacy Star), White Star 8 (Prosperity Star) and Purple Star 9 (Joyous and Wealth Star) are located at the West in year 2011. This denotes that the Western Europe countries and United States will have stable economic growth gradually. However, the Year Breaker and Three Killings Star are also at this West location in addition to the Red Star 7 (Broken Soldier and Quarrelsome Star) governing the center palace, this also depicts that these countries might have terrible disputes or terrorist attacks.

        The Green Star 3 (Misfortune and Argument Star) is situated in the North and indicates that Northern countries will have disputes cases happening throughout the year, especially China and Korea. Those countries should always be careful to handle the relationships within countries as well as outside the countries. Also, Green Star 3 is wood element and North is water element, thus this has enhance the power of Green Star 3. Besides, North represent Kan palace of trigram and this also denotes youth crimes will be another issues this year.

        The Black Star 2 (Sickness Star) is located in the South this year. As South location is a Fire element thus enhance the power of Black Star 2 (earth element). Those countries that located in South such as Australia might easily having disease or food intoxication issues, thus must be more careful all the time in year 2011. Besides, the South area also known as the "Li" palace of later heaven trigram, it represents those woman within the age of 16 to 30, therefore woman within this age range should take extra care of their health this year. As the White Star 8 is moved to "Qian" palace of later heaven trigram this year, this means it is an auspicious year for man especially those elderly and matured man will gain more power in term of leadership.

        Based on the Bazi analysis, indirect wealth is dominating this year. Indirect wealth are those current assets or liquid assets such as short-term investments and cash. It is not stable if compare to fixed assets. Besides, there are God of Friends 比肩 and Rob Wealth 劫财 from the heavenly stems of beginning of spring, this means it may have business court cases between those giant corporations as well as international trade disputes among countries.

        The Purple Star 9 is located at Dui Palace of trigram, and Dui represent young ladies as well as mouth organ. This means that those young ladies whose career in sales, trainer, lecturer and singer will have outstanding growth this year. On the negative side, the Purple Star 9 is flowing to the West and coincidentally meet the Red Star 7 to form a Fire structure. As the Red Star 7 is early heaven fire and the Purple Star 9 is later heaven fire, thus this have doubled the effect of fire. Therefore, Western countries should more aware of fire disasters and incidents and take more cautious in term of fire prevention.
        Thân chào
        Hoa Mai

      2. Có 5 Hội viên đã cảm ơn đến "hoa mai" về bài viết có ích này:

        Huybm (31-01-11),kimcuong (18-01-11),kolname (18-01-11),macchulan (19-01-11),TanLen73 (18-01-11)

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